Sunday, July 22, 2012

Details, Details

At 5 1/2 years old, Brayden

*gets angry, upset, disgruntled faster than a skunk can spray stink!
*climbs in the crib with Baylie every morning to play.
*plays Angry Birds as often as he can (I even found him hiding in the bathroom with the iPad since I had told him no!).
*cuddles like he did when he was just a baby.
*dislikes trying new activities.
*wants to do Kung Fu like the Panda (but doesn't want to learn the basics in his Taekwondo class).

At 18 months, Baylie

*has learned how to "throw a fit."
*smiles and giggles easily.
*mimics her brother.
*takes hard falls/bumps without complaint.
*reacts strongly to bug bites.
*zooms cars more than she cuddles baby dolls.


Taylor family: Tim, Becky, Tabitha said...

WOW! I can't believe that Bailie is 18 months old already! What happened to the time?!

Jason and Sabrina said...

I know! It's crazy how these precious times fly.

Tabitha has certainly grown--and so beautiful!