Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Fall 2013

We had a great time at our local corn maze.  We arrived about half an hour before dark, which gave us just enough time to get good and lost before it was time to switch on the flashlights and meander through the identical rows. 
My favorite memory:  A cat meowed from somewhere inside the rows, and I said, "Aw, there's a kitty in there!"  Brayden, who is by nature a 'scaredy cat' cries, "Ah, it's an evil cat!"  Fortunately, once we finally made our way out (an hour and forty minutes later) Sparky the cat confirmed that he was no evil kitty but a sweet orange and white tabby who enjoys being petting by two sometimes evil children :-)

Baylie's Ninja Pose

I can't get a serious shot out of Brayden these days...

1 comment:

Nikki said...

Love that Halloween outfit- so cute!!

Nikki - blog design to support my work in India, fostering 7 children with special needs